150.25 USD / year 1)

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Domain characteristics
General Information for the domain extension .versicherung.VERSICHERUNG domains are to be registered solely by companies of the insurance industry or companies with a direct relationship to the insurance industry. Individuals or non-approved intermediaries are not entitled for registration.
The domain name or the content should demonstrate a direct relationship to the insurance affine activities or business plans of the registrant.
The registrant of a .VERSICHERUNG domain must be located in one of the countries Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein or Switzerland and designate an address for service for the domain in the so-called WHOIS data.
To ensure that only companies in the insurance industry register .VERSICHERUNG domains the domain owner is tested initially during the registration as well as annually for their affiliation with the insurance industry or the existence of an intermediary authorization by the dotversicherung-registry GmbH.
The domain name or the content should demonstrate a direct relationship to the insurance affine activities or business plans of the registrant.
The registrant of a .VERSICHERUNG domain must be located in one of the countries Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein or Switzerland and designate an address for service for the domain in the so-called WHOIS data.
To ensure that only companies in the insurance industry register .VERSICHERUNG domains the domain owner is tested initially during the registration as well as annually for their affiliation with the insurance industry or the existence of an intermediary authorization by the dotversicherung-registry GmbH.
Meaning of Extension | .versicherung is one of the generic domain extensions (gTLD). |
Minimum and maximum length | 2 - 63 characters |
Time of registration | In real-time |
Time of transfer | 5 days |
Registrar Transfer | Yes, with Auth-Code |
Trade | No |
Premium Domains | Yes |
IDN | Yes |
Whois Privacy | No |
DNSSEC Supported | Yes (DS) |
Renewal Period | 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y, 6Y, 7Y, 8Y, 9Y, 10Y |
Registration Period | 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y, 6Y, 7Y, 8Y, 9Y, 10Y |
Cancellation Period | 1 Day(s) |
Supported IDN characters | ß, à, á, â, ã, ä, å, æ, ç, è, é, ê, ë, ì, í, î, ï, ð, ñ, ò, ó, ô, õ, ö, ø, ù, ú, û, ü, ý, þ, ÿ, ā, ă, ą, ć, ĉ, ċ, č, ď, đ, ē, ĕ, ė, ę, ě, ĝ, ğ, ġ, ģ, ĥ, ħ, ĩ, ī, ĭ, į, ı, ĵ, ķ, ĸ, ĺ, ļ, ľ, ł, ń, ņ, ň, ŋ, ō, ŏ, ő, œ, ŕ, ŗ, ř, ś, ŝ, ş, š, ţ, ť, ŧ, ũ, ū, ŭ, ů, ű, ų, ŵ, ŷ, ź, ż, ž |
Renewal On Transfer | Yes |
Term transfer on Transfer | Yes |
No local contact needed | |
Registry Connection | Directly |
Transfer lock has to be removed before a transfer can be started | |
Manual renewal possible | |
Number of nameservers allowed | 0 - 13 |
The domain terms for .versicherung domains can be found at: http://www.nic.versicherung/ueber-versicherung/richtlinien-policies |
1* Prices may differ for premium domains. These are attractive domain names that require higher prices from the registry. In this case, the premium price is displayed or we will notify you promptly by e-mail. You then have the right to cancel the order.