.UZ Domain (Uzbekistan)
100.74 USD / year

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The .uz domain belongs to Uzbekistan, it was created in 1995 and its management is carried out by Single Integrator for Creation and Support of State Information Systems UZINFOCOM. It is worth noting, that Bukhara is one of the most beautiful cities in Uzbekistan, thus being a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Internet users will relate your business to Uzbekistan, generating greater confidence to make purchases online. Every day it is more important to have a presence in the digital space, stay within reach of your audience with a .uz domain!
Internet users will relate your business to Uzbekistan, generating greater confidence to make purchases online. Every day it is more important to have a presence in the digital space, stay within reach of your audience with a .uz domain!
Domain characteristics
General Information for the domain extension .uz - UzbekistanMeaning of Extension | .uz is the official country domain (ccTLD) from Uzbekistan. |
Minimum and maximum length | 3 - 63 characters |
Time of registration | In real-time |
Time of transfer | In real-time |
Registrar Transfer | Yes |
Trade | No |
Premium Domains | No |
IDN | No |
Whois Privacy | No |
DNSSEC Supported | No |
Renewal Period | 1Y |
Registration Period | 1Y, 2Y |
Cancellation Period | 7 Day(s) |
Renewal On Transfer | No |
Term transfer on Transfer | Yes |
No local contact needed | |
Number of nameservers allowed | 2 - 5 |
The domain terms for .uz domains can be found at: http://nic.uz/faq/ |
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