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.UY Domain (Uruguay)

80.57 USD / year 1)
Please enter your desired domain name:
Uruguay's official domain extension is and can be used by both individuals and businesses. In addition to providing a professional platform to showcase your business, it also gives you the opportunity to redirect your existing web address to show how proud you are of Uruguay, where there are over 2 million Internet users.

A great opportunity may present itself if you are an email marketer based in Montevideo or a photographer living in Colonia, a domain name will allow you to present your local business in a professional manner while directing visitors directly to your chosen website.

If you are looking for your perfect domain name, the appropriate domain ( is here. It is currently managed by As a country-specific extension since 1990, it allows individuals and companies living or doing business in Uruguay to register a domain name that will not only be easier for them to remember, but will also enhance your online brand image by making it easier for people in Uruguay to remember your company name even if they search for it from other countries.

Domain characteristics

General Information for the domain extension .uy - Uruguay

Meaning of Extension .uy is the official country domain (ccTLD) from Uruguay.
Minimum and maximum length 2 - 63 characters
Time of registration 7 days
Time of transfer In real-time
Registrar Transfer Yes
Trade Yes
Premium Domains Yes
Whois Privacy No
DNSSEC Supported Yes (DS)
Renewal Period 1Y
Registration Period 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y
Cancellation Period 7 Day(s)
Renewal On Transfer Yes
No local contact needed
Data protection The European Commission has determined, based on Article 45, that this third country outside the European Union provides an adequate level of protection for personal data. For more information, please refer to Chapter 5 and Article 49 of the GDPR.
Manual renewal possible
Number of nameservers allowed 2 - 5
The domain terms for .uy domains can be found at:
1* Prices may differ for premium domains. These are attractive domain names that require higher prices from the registry. In this case, the premium price is displayed or we will notify you promptly by e-mail. You then have the right to cancel the order.