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2.4. Authinfo2

The authinfo2 object provides methods to get prices and create a new authinfo2 code for .de domains.

2.4.1. authinfo2.create

Create a new AuthInfo2 product Input

Table 2.44. Parameters

domainAuthInfo2 Domain text255 true 
testingExecute order in testing mode (no order will be submitted) boolean falsefalse Output

Table 2.45. Parameters

productThe name of the bought product text255  
net_priceThe net price of the bought AuthInfo2 product float  
priceThe price of the bought AuthInfo2 product float  
currencyCurrency of the price text255  
messageMessage details of the transaction text255  

2.4.2. authinfo2.getprice

Get the price of a AuthInfo2 product Input

No parameters allowed Output

Table 2.46. Parameters

productThe name of the product text255  
net_priceThe net price of the AuthInfo2 product float  
priceThe price of the AuthInfo2 product float  
currencyCurrency of the price text255